Project Harmony Professional Training

Specialty training for professionals who serve to protect children.

This course prepares workers for situations that can arise while working in the field directly with children and families. In this training, participants will discuss challenges associated with working with families in their homes or community setting and how to manage stressful situations while keeping oneself and the families safe. Participants will learn how to spot unsafe situations.  Read more

The skills and thought processes coached through this series of trainings will allow you to work with clients and coworkers in an uplifting way, regardless of where they're coming from. You'll see strategies on de-escalation and change talk through a lens of compassion. Challenge your assumptions and reflexes.   In order to obtain credit for the Interpersonal Skills for Effective Interviewing Series, participants must attend all three trainings (Engaging through Empathy; Navigating Discord; Motivating Change). Partial credit will not be given for this cohort. Read more

This course educates community members about the basic definitions and responses to all types of child abuse and neglect, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, exploitation, and trafficking. This training also describes the services of a Child Advocacy Center, like Project Harmony, and contains mock calls to the Nebraska Abuse and Neglect Hotline. Lastly, the training will cover elements of receiving a disclosure, calling the hotline, and common reactions. By outlining the process and observing realistic examples, learners will be more equipped to respond to a child in need. While most of the content is foundational to all discussions of abuse and neglect, references to statute are specific to Nebraska. Participants from outside of Nebraska are encouraged to investigate child abuse and neglect policies and procedures in their own state. Read more

The purpose of this training is to ensure all members of our campus are prepared to react to a cardiac emergency. Hear from someone certified in American Red Cross CPR and First Aid techniques as she explains how CPR saves lives. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about CPR best practice and acquaint themselves with the AED machines on site.  NOTE: This is not formal certification.   Please register if you are a Project Harmony, Nebraska DHHS, Omaha Police Department, Kim Foundation, Nebraska Alliance of CACs, CSI-Triage, or Department of Homeland Security employee. Read more

The youngest among us are no strangers to digital technology. Yet families and professionals get conflicting advice about the impact of these technologies on their children's health and development – on one hand companies promise that media can boost their children's intelligence while on the other America's pediatricians urge parents to limit screen time in the early years. In this foundational workshop, Erin Walsh explores the latest research on the power and impact of screen time in early childhood and shares three core ingredients young children need to thrive in a world dominated by screens. Erin Walsh is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She works with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. She has 20 years of experience in bringing science and strategies to families and educators alongside her father, David Walsh. They created the Spark & Stitch Institute in 2019. Intended Audience: Mental health practitioners and education professionals Read more

Children today experience the world in a state of "digital immersion" where the lines between offline and online experiences continue to blur. At the same time, parents and caregivers are getting conflicting advice about the impact of technology on kids and teens. Evidence does show that elementary school is a window of opportunity for shaping digital habits. In this interactive and energizing presentation, Erin Walsh will use brain science, warmth, and humor to cut through conflicting messages, walk you through the latest evidence, and deliver practical strategies for online safety and digital well-being. Erin Walsh is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She works with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. She has 20 years of experience in bringing science and strategies to families and educators alongside her father, David Walsh. They created the Spark & Stitch Institute in 2019. Audience: Mental health practitioners and education professionals Read more

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