(ESU-4) Hope Champions Bonfire 6/20/24 (Live Classroom)

2 sessions

Course Length
4 hours

The Project Harmony Training Institute



Join us for a special workshop covering "Trauma and Resilience" and a Hope focus group.

Trauma and Resilience

This training helps participants recognize trauma, understand its impact on the brain and body, and identify and apply interventions to trauma related behaviors. This course is meant to provide foundational information on trauma for anyone that is new to the topic or would like a refresher on trauma basics.

8-Week Hope Group Experience

The 8 Week Hope Group Experience is designed to teach elementary age students the basic skills associated with being hopeful. Research is clear that hope is the #1 predictor of future well-being. When our kids experience hope, they are more likely to experience outcomes such as better grades, better attendance, better health, and better engagement in school and other activities. In each weekly lesson a new skill is introduced along with strategies for practice and repetition.


Note: This will take place at the ESU-4 Learning Center

1109 R Street, Auburn, NE 68305


Trauma and Resilience

  • Define trauma, traumatic stress, toxic stress, and resilience
  • Identify how trauma affects behavior and development
  • Apply intervention skills to respond to stress
  • Discover factors that promote resilience


Hope Groups

  • Describe the three components of hope
  • Apply hope science to a situation of your choosing
  • Use coping and emotional regulation skills along with problem-solving strategies to deal with obstacles and frustrations in appropriate ways


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits


Trauma and Resilience


Hope Group Experience

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